All Japan Nash Hash 2004

Come join the SUMO H3 at the foot of Mt Fuji for a great hashing weekend.

REGISTRATION FORM (All payment instructions on form)

We offer two options: (Note - Price goes up Y2000 / US$ 20 on 1 May)

The MAIN EVENT (JY 15,000 / US$ 145) package includes:
- Two trails (Saturday PM and Sunday AM)
- Four trails to choose from (walk, short, medium, long)
- One night stay in hotel (Saturday only)
- Three meals (Lunch - Dinner - Breakfast)
- Goodie bag
- And all the beer you can drink

The EXTENDED (JY 23,000 / US$ 220) package includes main event above, PLUS:
- Two nights stay in hotel (Friday and Saturday)
- A Friday evening trail (Starts at 1800, or whenever the pack is ready)
- Two additional meals
- And, you guessed it, all the beer you can drink

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